A marketing technology based on two strong metrics
Analyze social signals
BUZZ is a set of metrics that helps you analyze works best for your audience. These signals help you identify the content that Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Google+. These signals help you identify the content that works best for your audience.

Analyze user engagement
Although BUZZ signals give you a good idea about the way the content is shared on social media, they don't say too much about the long-term impact. With IMPACT, you can measure real user engagement through comments, clicks, views, downloads and links.
The Impactana® technology is part of the Link Research SEO Toolbar
Advanced SEO and marketing metrics at your fingertips!
With the Link Research SEO Toolbar, you can customize your searches in Google, Bing and Yandex.
It allows you to sort the Search Engine results by:
- the number of keyword rankings a website has
- domain and page LRT Power*Trust™ value
- the number of backlinks acquired or lost (Link Velocity Trends)
- social media popularity (Buzz)
- long-term user engagement (Impact)
Apart from using it as a SERP overlay, you can also see the toolbar with all these SEO metrics on every page you browse. There is more than one template for it and you can drag and drop it wherever you want in your browser window.
The Impactana technology is part of the LinkResearchTools® (LRT) toolkit
LinkResearchTools (LRT) is the most advanced link intelligence software that combines data from 24 link data sources and up to 97 metrics in a consistent, reliable way to provide cutting- edge link analysis, competitor research, and Google penalty recovery functionality.
Unlike ad-hoc SEO tools, LRT provides data that users can trust due to “just-in-time” recrawling and industry-leading custom technologies and metrics. These unique SEO metrics and technologies only LinkResearchTools provides are combined with data aggregated from Google, Bing, Moz, SEMRush, MajesticSEO, Ahrefs, Sistrix and many more.
Impactana's unique Buzz and Impact metrics are also part of LinkResearchTools since 2016.
As seen on:

Learn more about our Impactana V2. We replaced our “small search engine” with what we know as real search engines. Google, Yandex, and Bing.
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